Growth Regulators

Phytoregulators play an important role in the stimulation of different biochemical processes at the cellular level in floors; that is why ALTEO presents a new line of products with different mechanisms of action designed to improve development and vegetative growth.

Growth regulator based on paclobutrazol 250 g/l formulated as a concentrated suspension, acts retarding plant growth due to interferes with and blocks the synthesis of gibberellins, changing a reduction in cell expansion.

Presentation: 250cc, 1 Liter, 4 Liters

Sede Palmira, CO

Industrial Park Palmaseca. Unit J-1,
Airport Roundabout, Km 2 to Zona Franca Palmaseca
Valle del Cauca.
Tel: (+57) 314 888 0793

Sede Cota, CO

Highway Bogotá - Medellín Km 3.5 / Business Center
Metropolitano. OFC. B49. Cota, Cundinamarca.
Tel: (+57) 321 811 30 65